
S.Africa: EXCELLENT: Afrikaner GENOCIDE: ZimbabweMail Expose: Julius Malema incited Blacks to rape, torture & murder Afrikaans farm owners…

WARNING: This is Version 1 of my old archive, so Photos will NOT work and many links will NOT work. But you can find articles by searching on the Titles. There is a lot of information in this archive. Use the SEARCH BAR at the top right. Prior to December 2012; I was a pro-Christian type of Conservative. I was unaware of the mass of Jewish lies in history, especially the lies regarding WW2 and Hitler. So in here you will find pro-Jewish and pro-Israel material. I was definitely WRONG about the Boeremag and Janusz Walus. They were for real.

Original Post Date: 2010-06-08 Time: 18:00:03  Posted By: Jan

[Thank God for the ZimbabweMail. The South African mass media only whispered about this quietly in about 1 paragraph. Thank goods for the Zimbabweans who have hunted down the full news story and given it the attention it deserves.

These are the same guys who exposed Julius Malema and President Zuma’s moves with respect to the planning of farm invasions – which led to the murder of Eugene Terreblanche.

I am so delighted with what this farmer has done to take this matter before The Hague. Now to see if The Hague accepts this. I truly hope so.

In South Africa there is no justice and Julius Malema can incite race hatred and can call for mass murder and walk away laughing because he is doing what President Jacob Zuma told him to do. The ANC filth are all behind this. The mass murder of Afrikaners and farmers is a GOVERNMENT PROJECT MOST PROBABLY SIGNED OFF BY PRESIDENT ZUMA HIMSELF – remember he too sing, “Mshini wami” – “bring me my machinegun”.

This is excellent work, by this Afrikaans farmer and by ZimbabweMail. Thank goodness somebody still cares because South Africa’s mass media are sleeping on the job as usual. Jan]

ANC Youth league leader Julius Malema incites his followers to rape, torture and murder Afrikaans farm owners, according to an affidavit handed to the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague.

“Mister Julius Sello Malema in his capacity as leader of the ANCYL, through and by his illegal actions incites his followers to get support for the violent nationalisation of the farm land belonging to private Afrikaner individuals and through intimidation in the national media by cruel criminal acts of murder, rape and torture in contravention of General Assembly Resolution 1803 (XVII) of 14 December 1962 of the United Nations,” the document says.

The document, prepared by the lawyers F&F Attorneys, was sent to the ICC on behalf of a farmer who asked in the affidavit to remain anonymous.

It says that Malema was well aware of the statistics regarding the “very high incidence” of murder, rape and torture committed against the Afrikaner Boer.

The Document says Malema continued inciting violence against Afrikaners after a “severe public outcry,” after requests by numerous institutions and politicians and in contravention of an urgent court order and interdict against his use of the call for genocide.

“Mister Malema deliberately and intentionally… during a period of several weeks called for, on national and international television and through the printed media, the killing of the Boer and the farmer, intentionally committing the heinous international crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity, of murder, extermination, torture and rape.”

The affidavit says 2380 members of the “minority” Afrikaner group were murdered in the past 16 years. Many women and children were raped and in many cases perpetrators had tortured “without reason”.

It says the ANC government denies the gravity of the situation “at all cost” despite the murder of Afrikaners being the highest of any group in the world per capita.

Currently, 328 murderers on Afrikaners are committed per 100,000 of the population a year.

The ANCYL said it was disgusted by “the insanity” shown by “some Afrikaner farmer” for lodging the complaint.

“The ANCYL is disgusted by the attention seeking sentiments and insanity of some Afrikaner farmer from Rustenburg who has reportedly lodged a complaint with the ICC about the singing of liberation songs in South Africa's ANC-led liberation movement,” the league said in a statement.

The ANCYL said the laying of the charges was an attempt by right-wing elements to divert it from its main political programmes.

“The issue of liberation songs is currently before South African courts, which have issued an interim interdict on the singing of some of the liberation songs until the ANC has successfully defended its struggle and liberation songs and heritage.”

According to Beeld newspaper, the Rustenburg farmer and his family left South Africa last week for safety fears after deciding to lay the charge against Malema. -Sapa
